From Anne

From Anne

Hello Fellow Snail Mail Aficionados!

You know that feeling on a grey dreary winter day, when the sun peaks through and the snow on the ground sparkles? Well, today is a day just like that. I am so excited to announce that Postmark’d Studio has new owners! Yes! You have read that correctly: the Postmark’d Studio snail mail revolution will continue in all its stationery wonderfulness. Postmark’d Studio had been my passion for the past 6 years and when I decided to retire, I was really thinking of just letting it go (no control issues here!). I soon realized as I began looking for a similar service to keep my stationery stash full; there just isn’t another option quite like the PostBoxes of Postmark’d Studio. Allison and Kate (the new owners) are so eager to carry on the legacy of Postmark’d Studio, and of course to put their own spin on it, by sharing their passion for making and maintaining connections through the magic of handwritten notes and sending mail.There is nothing better in this world than when you are thinking of someone, and at that moment you have the perfect card; which is why stationery subscriptions are so cool (not that I am biased as a former stationery subscription owner). I hope you will join me in being one of the inaugural subscribers to their new adventure of creating amazing packages of stationery to be delivered to your door each month!

I think Charles Dickens in Great Expectations said it perfectly, “There was something very comfortable in having plenty of stationery”.

Postally Yours,


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