Email Confirmed!

Hey, New Postie!

Thanks for joining our email list! We will be sending some super fun stuff your way soon! Welcome to the Postmark'd Studio Family!

Program Details

Partner Perks

  • 3 Months of our Posh Parcel for free. Total Parcel value: $129
  • An exclusive code to share with followers for 10% off their first month of a new subscription.
  • A friendly relationship with Postmark'd Studio and exposure to Postmark'd Studio's nearly 10,000 followers.
  • 5% of the first month's fee for every subscriber that uses the Partner's exclusive code when subscribing

Partner Participation

  • Post approx 2-3 times on social media streams per Parcel (monthly) over the agreed upon 3 month partnership.
  • Send at least one email featuring the Postmark'd Parcels to your email list.
  • Share and communicate notable events happening at Postmark'd during partnership.
  • Be ready to answer any queries about Postmark'd Studio - maintaining a basic working understanding of Postmark'd Studio

Apply to be a Partner

We would love to have you! Please fill out our Partner application HERE.